Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Knitting on my mind

Having two projects on my needles really can't keep me from planning ten pieces ahead... the lace shawl that is a surprise for someone is coming along slooowwwly - it's challenging! I've gotten to the nupps and should have taken Gallia's advice - yarn over loosely because it's a drag to purl seven stitches together! The shrug should be done soon if I can find the time. I'm going to block the body/sleeves properly before adding the collar on.

Then there's...
'Cold Mountain' lace shawl... easier and more geometric than the one I'm working on now.
A baby version for some mini-practice before a real sweater... and yes, I do actually know a baby or two who might like it.
The REAL thing... I'm in love with the Lepidotera cardigan and think it would be fabulous in navy blue (don't you go copying me now...)
And the long promised hat for Ian (first one was gauged wrong and didn't fit :(

And speaking of knitting... I was visiting Orcas Island a few weeks ago and they're all artsy out there. When checking out a cafe/art collective thingamajig, I noticed some very simple knit hats (I could replicate them easily from looking at them) turned over the price tag and... WHAT THE @$#^?? $55!! Baby sweaters for $120... I get that they're handmade but all I could think was... I got to see how much I could get for a Bonnie-made hat on Etsy... Graduate knitting collective anyone?

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