Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Green Thumb? We Shall See...

I really like my apartment. It has a washer and drier in the unit, a dishwasher and garbage disposal, good natural light, a fireplace and space for my stuff. But it does not have a balcony. That's OK: my rent is lower than other units in the building and since I'm on the first floor it keeps my unit marginally secure. But it also means that I can't really have a garden. Yeah, there's a communal roof deck, but I just don't really trust my neighbors not to destroy my plants. Enter my awesome co-graduates (coworkers? classmates? kinda a mix of both?). Some of them rent a big house with a big backyard and they're letting me take over an empty plot in their garden! So I set about getting some seedlings started: yellow squash, bush beans and watermelon radishes (all heirloom). They all recommend not planting until it stays above 50F at night, and Seattle isn't quite there yet so I've started them inside and will probably transplant in a week or two. Here's the progress:

Day 0: got decomposable planters so I can directly transplant most of my seedlings.

Day 3: First sign of life! Congratulations, it's a radish sprout!

Day 5: Now the radishes are really growing.

Day 7: First squash and bean sprouts makes their appearance.

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