Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Garden: Writing about week three in week five

They're in the ground! Two weekends ago I stopped by my friend Scott's backyard to install four of the squash sprouts, the three bean sprouts that made it, all ten of the radishes and a cucumber seedling that I bought at the Ballard Sunday market. The beans and radishes are in a more shady spot - I don't know how the beans will do, but I think if the radishes outgrown their legginess they'll be OK since they like it a little colder anyway. The squash is in the sunnier corner of their garden plot in between Nicole's garlic and Scott's potatoes (good company!).

I haven't visited them since then, but Scott says nothing has died and that the radishes are actually doing better than expected. Good! Nothing better than a cool radish salad in Summer, which appears to finally arrived on the longest day of the year.

I repotted the one squash seedling that got left behind in a 2-liter soda bottle and it is growing merrily away on my east-facing windowsill. I'm not sure if the planter has enough room for it to totally mature but I guess we'll see.

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